If you need a statement from your transaction history, you can do the following:
1. Sign in through the website https://erx.io/
2. After successfully signing in, select “Dashboard”.
3. Select the “menu” icon at the top left corner.
4. Then, select "Report" or the graph icon.
5. The screen will then display the “Report” page.
Select the 'Date' for the statement by choosing the day, month, and year from the triangle button icon, as shown in the example image. Once you have selected the date, if you need the statement, select “Export PDF” at the top right corner, as shown in the image
5. Once you have specified the date month, and year. If you need the statement, click on "Export PDF."
6. After select “Export PDF”, the screen will display the “Statement of Asset Holding” which will show the asset value corresponding to the selected date, month, and year.