Customers can create an account with ERX with these 3 steps
1. Create Account
1.1 Go to, click “Create Account”
1.2 Create an account by entering your email address. After that, create an account by using your email, and set up a password as follows:
- At least 8 character(s)
- At least 1 number(s)
- At least 1 symbol(s)
- At least 1 lowercase letter(s)
- At least 1 uppercase letter(s)
- Does not contain part of username.
After that, the system will send a confirmation email to the email address you registered. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder or ensure that you entered the email address correctly.
1.3 You will receive an email. Click “Verify Email”
1.4 Return to the login page and enter the registered email and password to access the system.
1.5 Please verify your phone number by entering the desired number. Select Thailand's flag and input your phone number without the leading "0". Then, click Send Code to receive an OTP via SMS. Enter the received code and click Verify.
2. Verify your identity (KYC)
After logging in, the system will guide you through the process of filling out the required information to register and open an account. The identity verification (KYC) process will take approximately 10 minutes. There are 6 steps involved, as follows:
2.4 Investment Risk Assessment
2.6 Review and Confirm Information
You will input the required information and complete the identity verification step by step until all steps are completed. Once done, the process will be finalized.
2.1 Personal Information
2.1.1 Please prepare the following documents for identity verification (for more information, refer to the requirements for identity verification documents).
- National ID card (for Thai citizens only)
- Passport (for foreign nationals)
- Additional documents (for foreign nationals)
- Electronic device with a camera
After that, click on "Get Started" to proceed.
2.1.2 Please read the full terms of service and privacy policy of ERX Co., Ltd. Select "I accept these terms" in the checkbox below, then click "Next" to proceed.
2.1.3 Select your nationality, then click ‘Continue’
2.1.4 Upload the front and back of your National Identification card (Thai users) or Passport (Foreigners). Please ensure that the photo is clear with the following requirements:
- All details on ID are readable
- Enough light
- No reflection on the card
- No mark, line, or signature on the photo
After uploading the front image of your ID card, please double-check the accuracy of the information on the card. Then, click "Next" to upload the back image of your ID card.
After uploading the back image of your ID card, the system will prompt you to verify the accuracy of the information on the card once more. Then, click "Next" to proceed.
2.1.5 Verify your identity by performing the Liveness Test, which requires the use of a camera.
- If your device has a camera, click "Start Test" and then click "Start" to activate the camera and scan your face.
- If your device does not have a camera, you can use another device with a camera to scan the QR code and continue the process.
2.2 NDID Identity Verification Process
2.2.1 Please read the NDID terms and conditions, then select "I Accept" to agree to the terms and proceed.
2.2.2 Please select the NDID registration channel that you have registered with, and ensure the corresponding application is installed on your device from the options below.
(You can learn how to register for NDID through the service provider's channels by referring to the NDID Service Providers List)
2.2.3 Please complete the NDID process on the provider’s application that you selected within 60 minutes.
(The Example of NDID process by SCB EASY)
2.2.4 Return to the ERX website or application. The system will display a message confirming that your identity verification has been successfully completed. Then, click Next to proceed.
2.3 Fill in your General Information
- A house registration address and current address
If your current address for receiving documents is the same as the address on your house registration, please select the message box describing that ‘Current address / mailing address same as house registered / ID Card address’. Then, click "Next" and enter the other required information truthfully.
- Provide your occupation details and company address.
If your company address is the same as the house's registered address or current address, please select the message box describing that ‘Company address same as current address’. Then, click "Next".
- Family information
Select the available options and fill in the information accurately, then check the box below the statement "I confirm that I am the beneficial owner" to confirm your information, then click "Next".
2.4 Suitability Test
There are 10 questions for the test, once you have completed, the system will summarize your risk score. (You can learn more about Asset Allocation Click here)
In case your rise assessment score is in high Medium level, the system will notice you to be aware of all the risk associated with trading digital assets.
2.5 Basic Knowledge Test
There are 12 questions of knowledge test, once you complete the test, the system will redirect you to next step.
2.6 Review and Confirm Your information
Review and Confirm Your information, then click ‘Next’.
3. Start with ERX
The page will show up "Congratulations!"
3.1 After completing the KYC process, the screen will display as shown below. You can start using ERX platform by select "Back to Dashboard".
3.2 Dashboard
You can check the status of your identity verification and add a bank account on this page.
*In the process of reviewing your information. You will not be able to access the Market, Wallet, and some functions until your account is approved.
**Please note that, for the transaction, it will be successful with the bank account you have registered for only.
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