If you have any questions or inquiry, our Customer Happiness is happy to help you as these 3 channels:
Service Time
Chat Box / Line Official: @erxofficial / Facebook: ERX- 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday – Friday.
Email - We will reply within 1 business day.
Call Center - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday – Friday.
Chat Box
By click the chat button as below on the right bottom of any page.
2. This pop-up window will be shown.
3. Please fill up details and click "Start chat" to start a new conversation.
LINE Official
You can contact our Happiness Agent via Line Official Channel
- Go to add friend, then type @erxofficial and search.
2. Line will show ERX’s Official Account. You can add friends and start chatting with us.
Note: ERX only has Line Official and Chat Box that show on this page. Please beware of the fake one. You can look at Beware of Impersonation Website! for more detail.
You can send your inquiry to our Customer Happiness's Email : happy@erx.io. A Happiness Agent will get back to you within 1 business day.
Call Center
You can contact our Customer Happiness by 02-080-6060, Happiness Agents are happy to help you out at 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday – Friday.
For security reasons, before speaking to you over the phone, ERX will need to verify your personal information.
*If you are not comfortable verifying your identity over the phone, please contact us via chat box.