You can choose to receive your revenue sharing, or other benefit through two options:
- ERX Cash Balance Account (Wallet)
- Bank Account registered with ERX
1. After logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard. Please select the "Settings" icon located at the bottom left to access the settings.
2. After that, the screen will display the "Revenue Sharing Payment" page.
Please select your preference method to receive revenue sharing payments or other benefit payments from the token issuers. There are 2 options: Balance Account (Wallet), or Bank Account. After selecting, click “Save”
- If you choose ‘Cash Balance at ERX’, your revenue sharing will be deposited directly to your ERX account (Wallet), and if you would like to withdraw to your Bank Account, there is a 20 Thai Baht withdrawal fees
- If you choose ‘Bank Account registered with ERX’, your revenue sharing will be deposited directly into your bank account without paying any fees
3. If you would like to change the method, you can select ‘change’ and choose the method again, then submit.
IMPORTANT: Any changes to the method of receiving benefits must be approved before the deadline for receiving the revenue share benefits for token holders in each quarter.
If you have not been adding a bank account with ERX, revenue sharing will be transferred to ERX wallet automatically. However, the system will notice you that ‘You have not added your bank account yet click here to add one now.’
Please select ‘CLICK HERE’ then you will be redirected to add bank account page